If you would like to partner with us financially in reaching our community of Richmond, Nelson with the love of Jesus and supporting the vision of Richmond New Life Church, there are a number of ways you can do this.
Donations for New Zealand residents are 100% tax deductible (you are able to claim 33% back). If you require a tax receipt for your donation please ensure you supply us with your email address.
For internet Banking please ensure you:
1. Reference your name and initials on the deposit
2. Email your full name to office@richmondnewlife.org.nz. We can then issue you a receipt & giving number.
You can give by Automatic Payment using the following bank account details:
Account Number Purpose
03 0751 0250131 00 Tithes/Offerings
03 0751 0250131 26 Building Account
03 0751 0250131 01 Missions
If you would like to partner with us financially in reaching our community of Richmond, Nelson with the love of Jesus and supporting the vision of Richmond New Life Church, there are a number of ways you can do this.
Donations for New Zealand residents are 100% tax deductible (you are able to claim 33% back). If you require a tax receipt for your donation please ensure you supply us with your email address.
For internet Banking please ensure you:
1. Reference your name and initials on the deposit
2. Email your full name to office@richmondnewlife.org.nz. We can then issue you a receipt & giving number.
You can give by Automatic Payment using the following bank account details:
Account Number Purpose
03 0751 0250131 00 Tithes/Offerings
03 0751 0250131 26 Building Account
03 0751 0250131 01 Missions

“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded of you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” – Matthew 28:19-20
Welcome to our Missions page.
As part of the heart of Richmond New Life we love to sow into missionaries all around the world. In addition to the short term trips and opportunities here is a sneak peak of some of the missionaries and missions that we support.

Max & Dorothy Chisman
Max and Dorothy have served as missionaries in the Philippines for the past 40 years.
During that time, they have been the catalyst of a mobilization movement that has seen scores of Filipino missionaries reaching out to the more than 5 million Filipino Muslims in the Philippines. This has resulted in churches being planted and hundreds of Muslims coming to faith in Christ. This mobilization movement, now known as Simply Mobilizing, has since ‘travelled’ into more than 100 countries around the world and has expanded its vision, resources, and structure to become a significant mobilization movement in twelve global regions of the world. Simply Mobilizing’s vision is to see ‘all God’s people living a life on mission with God and ever local church a missional church’. Simply Mobilizing has its main Centre in the Philippines and has as its primary focus, the mobilization into mission of the Church in the majority (non-western) world.
Max and Dorothy serve as International Directors of Simply Mobilizing. They have two children (both born in the Philippines) and six grandchildren.

Lorraine Dierck
Lorraine served in Thailand for 40 years from 1973 - 2013. She pioneered several ministries including the Good News Team, the Food of Life Curriculum, Muangtong Church and the Bangkok Mission Centre.
Lorraine went to Thailand with the vision that every Thai child must have the opportunity to hear the good news of salvation through Jesus, and to respond to Him. She began to take a small group of young Thai believers into Buddhist schools to run a one-hour programme of music, story, and a very popular puppet show. This outreach grew into the Good News team which began to write evangelistic materials until eventually more than 100,000 Thai children and youth were studying a series of Bible correspondence courses.
When thousands of children began putting their faith in Christ, Lorraine became aware that most of them lived in towns and villages with no church. After starting Muangtong Church in Bangkok, Lorraine’s work became focused on developing and training leaders to initiate church-planting movements among Buddhist people groups.
A self-confessed “life-long learner”, Lorraine has completed Masters degrees in Missiology, Religious Education and Theology, followed by a Doctor of Missiology degree from Biola University. After her studies, Lorraine led a small team of World Outreach mission partners who designed the six-week Nations course covering subjects like effective language learning, culture change, cross-cultural church-planting, animism, signs and wonders, world religions, cross-cultural leadership, interpersonal relationships and many more.
Lorraine now lives in New Zealand where she continues to mentor her Thai leaders as they mobilize and assist the Thai church to plant new churches in unreached areas of Thailand.

Zimbabwe Kiwilink Pastors Support
In Zimbabwe, Kiwilink works closely with two orphanage care projects; The Khayelihle Childrens Village (KCV) is an urban residential care with around 50 children and Trust in God Orphan care is a rural home based orphan care program. In addition, Kiwilink provides boreholes for rural communities and education bursaries for needy children showing promise.

Daz Chettle - Global Gospel
Daz Chettle is a gifted evangelist who wins people to Christ wherever he goes. He is passionate about helping the local church be more effective in its evangelistic mission.

The Flood Movement
The Flood Movement is a Evangelistic movement intentional about seeing Jesus transform lives through reaching the community & equipping the church.

Open Doors International
Since 1955, Open Doors has been helping people follow Jesus all over the world, no matter the cost. We don’t work to end persecution. Instead, we strengthen the persecuted church by providing discipleship, emergency relief and community development.

Michel Turner
For two decades Michael &Natasha and their band Red Rain have been reaching the unreached with the message of Jesus. Using the powerful medium of music, this mission has taken them to over 40 countries. In partnership with local churches from many different movements around the world they have conducted outreaches in churches, pubs, stadiums on the streets and festivals. These outreaches have seen thousands come to know Jesus and incredible miracles have taken place by the presence of God. Included in their outreach is meeting the needs of the poor and needy. In recent years they been able to help the hungry and displaced on the war front in Ukraine.

Wendy Hannah
The Lord called Wendy to France to pioneer a vision for childen's ministry. Firstly, she headed up children's ministry in a local Parisian church after having organised several training sessions. She became known as a teacher trainer and this led her to be invited to over a hundred churches in France. As the vision expanded, she travelled extensively in Western Europe, Eastern Europe and Scandanavia but also to both French speaking and English speaking Africa, the French islands in the Caribbean and in the Indian Ocean. To reinforce the vision, she has published 3 books. A fourth one is pending.
In her children's ministry, she has always had children's praise at heart. This has led to 8 recordings of children's songs and praise afternoons for kids that has given a vision and impetus to many churches.
Wendy has also a heart for families with a vision that they serve God together and has been invited to speak at several family seminars and conferences.

Trevor and Kay Weavers
Trevor and Kay Weavers have served as missionaries for many years. In more recent times they have facilitated, and taught Kairos, a mission mobilising course helping equip many with a heart for nations and practical skills to make a difference in the nations they have been called to.